Monday 16 February 2015

16/2/15: ten things

1. I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, but it's hard to get started. I remembered doing lists like this (ten things about today) years ago and it's a nice format. It's helpful to reflect and look back. So here we go.

2. Did we really survive a whole hour long supermarket trip this morning with my wee boy in the pram the entire time? He's a total sling baby, not like him at all to be so patient strapped in like that...

3. Although he only slept for 15 minutes this morning and had no nap whatsoever this afternoon because it turned out he was unwell, poor little pal had a high temperature.

4. I'm meant to be working tonight but swapped my shift because we couldn't get childcare. Thank goodness- hate the thought of leaving him when he's ill.

5. Bundled him up into the sling- looking very sorry for himself the wee soul- and took the dog for a nice walk to try to calm the wee one down and get him some fresh air. It's starting to feel like spring and the sky looked lovely this afternoon.

6. Made the wee one some of his current favourite soup (apple and parsnip!) this afternoon which was the first thing he was interested in eating at all today.

7. Caught up with some housework. Boring but satisfying having neglected it over the weekend due to working long hours/lots of visitors.

8. Stumbled across an old favourite album listening to Spotify while doing the dishes tonight- Wolves by My Latest Novel. Beautiful. Seem to remember seeing them perform it live circa 2006 (!!!) in a tent at a local festival. Forgot about that/them altogether until now.

9. Partner's mum's birthday and she seemed to like the present we got her and made use out of it which is nice.

10. He's in bed and finally sleeping (90 minutes and counting). Resting at last the wee darling. So cup of tea!

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