Tuesday, 24 February 2015

24/2/15: 10 things

1. Used the pram all day today with almost complete success- only a couple of annoyed cries. We never have a whole sling free day but my back is sore just now so very pleased we managed.

2. Nice morning at a local soft play with a baby yoga friend and her boy.

3. Said friend gave me a good pram tip- a box of raisins for entertainment! It worked!

4. Sunshine and showers weatherwise today, like this blog.

5. The last of my other half's birthday present was delivered early, thank goodness.

6. Just a Cloud Away by Pharrell- "This rainy day is temporary/the contrast is why we got em/the sun shining through/is just a cloud away".

7. The wee one had a proper bedhead all day today, his hair is getting so long. I love it, especially when it's messy!

8. Another nice dog walk. It's been difficult to juggle with the baby til quite recently but we're all getting on so well these days.
9. Got some baby friendly ice lolly moulds- going to make some breastmilk ice lollies to aid with teething.

10. Been asked to write something about continuing to breastfeed at work for the in office magazine which is nice. Will be good to say something positive about it as there has been lots in the press recently about how breastfeeding mums shouldn't have paid breaks to express. I couldn't have gone back without those so I am very grateful to my employer.

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